Join us at “The Metal Peddler” as we celebrate our Brave Firefighters!

International Firefighters Day May 4th 2023
Visit - https://www.firefightersday.org/
Volunteer firefighters in the USA are true unsung heroes. These brave individuals put their lives on the line day after day to protect their communities, and yet they receive little recognition for the work that they do. The majority of firefighters in the United States are volunteers. According to statistics from 2017, around 70% of firefighting personnel–comprising more than 800,000 people — are volunteer firefighters. This means that most of these heroic men and women have full-time jobs outside of their volunteer service – yet still find time to dedicate themselves to protecting their communities at a moment's notice.
These devoted professionals train hard to ensure they're up to date with best practices and safety regulations. Firefighters must also attend regular meetings and seminars to keep their skills sharp. On top of all these commitments, volunteer firefighters often put in hundreds of hours each year responding to calls for service.

The work that volunteer firefighters do is nothing short of incredible – it takes a great amount of courage, selflessness, and commitment to rise up and serve their communities when the call comes. There's no doubt that these brave individuals are deserving of far more recognition than they're currently receiving. With their dedication and hard work, they truly are heroes in our midst.
We owe it to these courageous men and women to acknowledge their bravery and thank them for protecting our communities with such passion and integrity. Without them, we would be at a great loss indeed.
Join the Metal Peddler in taking a moment to recognize and appreciate the volunteer firefighters all across the US who put their lives on the line every single day, and for those volunteers in the background who keep the stations running, the funds coming in for safety equipment and trucks, and providing support to the public who have suffered the devastating losses from fires. They are true heroes, and we owe them our gratitude for their selfless service.

Volunteer at a local fire department!
“Each and every day, ordinary community members are stepping up to help their fellow citizens in times of need. They care not about time, weather, or exhaustion. They give of themselves to help with needs great and small. For a volunteer firefighter the training is long, the hours are sometimes rough, but the reward of helping others is so great. However, the volunteer fire service needs more than just volunteers willing to go into burning buildings or rescue cats. The backbone of the department is the auxiliary and social members. These people give of themselves to keep the station running. They help with clerical, cleaning, PR, and fundraising tasks. They are just as important to any station as the "heroes" that hop on those trucks. Your local Volunteer Fire Station has opportunities for everyone to be a helper.” - Steph Steele-Morris, FF/EMT
For more information about volunteer firefighting in the United States, including statistics on volunteering in this field, visit:
Thank you! :)
Danielle and Jason